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Targeted Case Management

The psychological and emotional effects of addiction and mental health issues can cause significant problems in day-to-day life. 

Sometimes, the psychological progress made in treatment and creating real-world changes can be challenging to maintain. Therefore, your therapist may suggest targeted case management if you're beginning your mental health or substance abuse treatment program.

Targeted case management takes treatment away from a clinical setting and applies these principles to help you make positive changes in your home, work, and social environments.

While targeted case management is individualized, it may include the following:

  • Scheduled home visits
  • Life skills coaching
  • Building communication skills
  • Phone support
  • Continuous communication with outside providers
  • Creating and revising the reintegration plan regularly
  • Medication management
  • Specialized recovery-related activities
  • Social interaction and community-based development
  • Updates for family members
  • Toxicology screening as necessary

Benefits of Case Management

Case management offers many benefits including improved life skills, better reintegration into the community, and strong interpersonal relationships. 

Our team is committed to creating a flexible, creative, and individualized reintegration plan for each client's needs. Frequent revisions to the plan may occur to ensure they meet the client's needs and enhance positive treatment outcomes. 

To find out more about our case management services, contact us today.